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Trading for Development works with leading design schools and students, teaching them about the benefits of fair trade and helping instill ethical principles in the designers of the future.

TFD launched "Translate" in 2008 at the International Fair Trade meeting in Cairo.  The annual project, a collaboration between TFD and the University of Brighton, provides fair trade producers around the world with a free colour and trends guide.  The tool has been described as invaluable by producers and helps them to determine what will be fashionable in the coming season.

Translate is distributed to all producer members of the WFTO and TFD has trained producers to use the tool in knitting, colour and trend workshops in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

​“Translate has been described as invaluable by producers and helps them to determine what will be fashionable in the coming seasons”

WFTO Europe

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Copyright 2012 Trading for Development. 

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