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TFD & Fair Trade

Trading for Development works with over 40 World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) certified producers.  We only work with WFTO producers and this way we can be sure that everyone is getting a fair deal. 

The 10 principles of fair trade:

WFTO prescribes 10 principles that Fair Trade organisations must follow in their day-to-day work and carries out monitoring to ensure these principles are upheld:

1: Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers.
2: Transparency and accountability.
3: Fair trading practices.

4: Payment of a fair price.
5: Ensuring no child labour and forced labour.

6: Commitment to non-discrimination, gender equity and freedom of association.

7: Ensuring good working conditions.

8: Providing capacity building.

9: Promoting fair trade.

10: Respect for the environment.

Contact us

We love to hear your thoughts, so please get in touch if you'd like to know more about what we do.


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